How to change the position of pane in Tmux

To change pane 4 to pane 3 after pane 3 exits: C-b { move the current pane to the previous position Here are more shortcuts for moving panes around: C-b } move the current pane to the next position C-b C-o rotate window ‘up’ (i.e. move all panes) C-b M-o rotate window ‘down’ C-b ! … Read more

tmux man-page search highlighting

Based on Less Colors For Man Pages by Gen2ly, here is my man page and how to do it: Preview This is a shell, not a web page ! How to (optional) I’m using Tomorrow theme for Konsole/Yakuake ; Edit your ~/.bashrc ~/.zshrc, etc. to add : # Colored man pages: # Less Colors … Read more

Multiple tmux prefix key combos?

Starting with tmux 1.6, you can use the session option prefix2 to specify a second prefix key (e.g. in ~/.tmux.conf): set-option -g prefix ` set-option -g prefix2 C-a Note: If you have any bindings or script that use the send-prefix, you can use its -2 option to send the key assigned to prefix2: send-prefix -2. … Read more

Tmux – Tmux true color is not working properly

Perhaps you overlooked this in setting up (one can see that you overlooked Tc): commit 427b8204268af5548d09b830e101c59daa095df9 Author: nicm <nicm> Date: Fri Jan 29 11:13:56 2016 +0000 Support for RGB colour, using the extended cell mechanism to avoid wasting unnecessary space. The ‘Tc’ flag must be set in the external TERM entry (using terminal-overrides or a … Read more

How do I start tmux with my current environment? [closed]

You should configure the tmux session option update-environment to include the variables you want to be updated when creating new sessions. The default value includes several common X11 and SSH variables: DISPLAY SSH_ASKPASS SSH_AUTH_SOCK SSH_AGENT_PID SSH_CONNECTION WINDOWID XAUTHORITY To add your variables, use the set-option tmux command with its -g and -a flags (append to … Read more

tmux tabs with name of file open in vim

Here’s a partial answer. It can be improved, but I don’t have time to work it out right now. Put the following in your .vimrc: autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost,BufNewFile * call system(“tmux rename-window ” . expand(“%”)) There are other events (see :help autocmd-events in Vim) that may be used to handle as well. One thing I haven’t … Read more