Should I use @tf.function for all functions?

TLDR: It depends on your function and whether you are in production or development. Don’t use tf.function if you want to be able to debug your function easily, or if it falls under the limitations of AutoGraph or tf.v1 code compatibility. I would highly recommend watching the Inside TensorFlow talks about AutoGraph and Functions, not … Read more

Running the Tensorflow 2.0 code gives ‘ValueError: tf.function-decorated function tried to create variables on non-first call’. What am I doing wrong?

As you are trying to use function decorator in TF 2.0, please enable run function eagerly by using below line after importing TensorFlow: tf.config.experimental_run_functions_eagerly(True) Since the above is deprecated(no longer experimental?), please use the following instead: tf.config.run_functions_eagerly(True) If you want to know more do refer to this link.
