JetBrains Resharper 9 Ultimate Test Runner error: NUnit.Core.UnsupportedFrameworkException: Skipped loading assembly {MyAssembly}

As mentioned in the accepted answer, ReSharper 9 does not support NUnit 3. The solution as stated does work (i.e. update to ReSharper 10), however, for those who do not have this option (e.g. licensing), you can downgrade your version of NUnit by following the below steps: Open Nuget Package Manager Console by going to … Read more

Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 does not discover unit tests

To my surprise, clearing temp files located in the %TEMP% directory resolved the issue for me. Note: This path is generally at C:\Users\(yourusername)\AppData\Local\Temp As @Warren-P included, you can navigate to the temp folder by putting in %temp% in Start Menu, or launch “File Explorer” and enter %temp% in the address bar.
