ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘webdriver_manager’ error even after installing webdrivermanager

Update (thanks to Vishal Kharde) The documentation now suggests: pip install webdriver-manager Solution: Install it like that: pip install webdriver_manager instead of pip install webdrivermanager. Requirements: The newest version, according to the documentation supports python 3.6 or newer versions: Reference:

Run Python Debugger (pdb) in Sublime Text 3

If you don’t want to deal with additional packages, you can create a snippet to set the breakpoint for you. <snippet> <content><![CDATA[import pdb;pdb.set_trace()]]></content> <tabTrigger>pdb</tabTrigger> <scope>source.python</scope> <description>Insert a breakpoint</description> </snippet> The above snippet will trigger whenever you type pdb in your code. Instructions On a Mac Navigate to Tools -> Developer -> New Snippet Replace the … Read more

How can I use a right to left language in “Sublime Text” editor

There is This Plugin But It Does Not Work Properly added by barlop Important Note- As comments indicate, this plugin doesn’t really work. People have issues copy/pasting from sublime into notepad. It’s OK for viewing but that’s not much of an answer. Note, sublime with this plugin might show leters in the correct order … Read more