Maven 3 Artifact problem

The error you are seeing is probably because you dont have your JAVA_HOME path set up correctly. Are you seeing something like C:\{directories to jre}\..\lib\tools.jar? You can have eclipse start up using your built in JDK by altering the eclipse.ini and adding something like -vm C:\{directories to JDK}\bin\javaw.exe What I have learned is that eclipse … Read more

Struts2 + Spring Security 2.06: Valuestack is null when attempting to use @Secured on an Action method

I just wonder, this problem occurs if you use the default configuration of Spring Security, where it expects ROLE_ prefixed names. See this question: How do I use custom roles/authorities in Spring Security? You are using the default configuration witch expects that roles starts with the “ROLE_” prefix. You will have to add a custom … Read more

How can I set the welcome page to a struts action?

Personally, I’d keep the same setup you have now, but change the redirect for a forward. That avoids sending a header back to the client and having them make another request. So, in particular, I’d replace the <% response.sendRedirect(“/myproject/MyAction.action”); %> in index.jsp with <jsp:forward page=”/MyAction.action” /> The other effect of this change is that the … Read more

Struts2 vs Spring 3 [closed]

Struts2 is really WebWork 2 renamed as Struts2. Consider for a moment the fact that Struts essentially leveraged its own brand name to adopt WebWork as its new base, and that should suggest to you that there was at least some who felt it was very compelling — one doesn’t always throw out their own … Read more

What’s the difference between # , % and $ signs in Struts tags?

Use of # (pound sign) OGNL is used to refer to objects in the ActionContext as follows: objectName: object in the ValueStack (default/root object in the OGNL context), such as an Action property #objectName: object in the ActionContext but outside of the ValueStack, specifically… #objectName: ActionContext object that has been created using the Struts2 data … Read more
