cannot take the address of” and “cannot call pointer method on

The Vector3.Normalize() method has a pointer receiver, so in order to call this method, a pointer to Vector3 value is required (*Vector3). In your first example you store the return value of Vector3.Minus() in a variable, which will be of type Vector3. Variables in Go are addressable, and when you write diff.Normalize(), this is a … Read more

How can I get/set a struct member by offset

The approach you’ve outlined is roughly correct, although you should use offsetof instead of attempting to figure out the offset on your own. I’m not sure why you mention memset — it sets the contents of a block to a specified value, which seems quite unrelated to the question at hand. Here’s some code to … Read more

Difference between -> and . in a struct?

-> is a shorthand for (*x).field, where x is a pointer to a variable of type struct account, and field is a field in the struct, such as account_number. If you have a pointer to a struct, then saying accountp->account_number; is much more concise than (*accountp).account_number;

Automatically implement traits of enclosed type for Rust newtypes (tuple structs with one field)

is there a way to do it without extracting their “inner” values every time with pattern matching, and without implementing the Add, Sub, … traits and overloading operators? No, the only way is to implement the traits manually. Rust doesn’t have an equivalent to the Haskell’s GHC extension GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving which allows deriving on wrapper types … Read more

Swift Struct doesn’t conform to protocol Equatable?

Swift 4.1 (and above) Updated answer: Starting from Swift 4.1, all you have to is to conform to the Equatable protocol without the need of implementing the == method. See: SE-0185 – Synthesizing Equatable and Hashable conformance. Example: struct MyStruct: Equatable { var id: Int var value: String } let obj1 = MyStruct(id: 101, value: … Read more

How to initialize a struct to 0 in C++

Before we start: Let me point out that a lot of the confusion around this syntax comes because in both C and C++ you can use the = {0} syntax to initialize all members of a C-style array to zero! See here: So, this works: // z has type int[3] and holds all zeroes, … Read more
