Can we send message to user in slack using python script?

Yes,this can be done. Instead of “#channel_name” use “@user” in the API. The user will receive the message from slackbot as we are using API and not a direct message from any other user. And if you want to post to that user as the authenticated user, use as_user= true.‘@to_user’,msg,username=”@from_user”) More details are at … Read more

How to render tables in Slack

Slack has no built-in support to render tables in messages. Your workaround options are: Draw table with chars in the message using a monospace font (Example) Draw table with chars and upload as plain text snippet with files.upload Render table as image and attach to a message or upload as image

Slack: Retrieve all messages

If you need to do this dynamically via API you can use the channels.list method to list all of the channels in your team and channels.history method to retrieve the history of each channel. Note that this will not include DMs or private groups. If you need to do this as a one time thing, … Read more