Where is log output written to when using Robolectric + Roboguice?

I am running robolectric-2.0-alpha-3. What worked for me was to set in the setUp method of my test the stream to stdout Something like: @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { ShadowLog.stream = System.out; //you other setup here } With this version of robolectric I had no success doing the same (ShadowLog.stream = System.out) in … Read more

Process crashes during creation of RoboGuice injector, if there is a mocked instance in any module

Unfortunately, if there’s an issue with the setup steps for RoboGuice & unit testing, you can get this sort of error. No magic short answer, but rather a set of steps to follow exactly. BTW, you’re using RoboGuice 1.1 – AbstractAndroidModule & RoboUnitTest no longer exist in RoboGuice 2.0. RoboGuice 1.1 is deprecated, so best … Read more