Multiple Startup projects in Solution, in Rider

In the run config drop down, select “Edit Configuration…” At the top of the left hand menu, click “+” Find and select “Compound” Name it Use the “+” button to add the projects you’d like to start together Select that configuration when you run it Edit the confuration: Find and select the Compound configuration: Add … Read more

IntelliJ IDE (Rider, Android Studio…) – how to hide “usage” links above properties/methods/etc

You can hide all metrics by disabling “Code Vision” (CTRL+SHIFT+A + code vision for a quick access in the settings). You can also hide specific metrics by right clicking on it. It is also possible to toggle the hints globally with the action Toggle Inlay Hints Globally (accessible with CTRL+SHIT+A + Toggle Inlay) You can … Read more

Resharper Clean-up Code – how to affect sorting of methods?

Customizing the layout can indeed be accomplished with Resharper. Go to: Resharper->Options->Languages->C#->Formatting Style->Type Members Layout ReSharper 2017 Resharper -> Options-> Code Editing -> C# -> File Layout -> Interface Implementations/All Other Members and uncheck the “Use Default Patterns” option. Now you’ll want to edit the xml in the “Custom Patterns” box. I’d recommend copying it … Read more

Message template should be compile time constant

The way to get rid of the warning is to supply the variable videoGuid separately, like this: _logger.LogInformation(“Finding average rating of video : {VideoGuid}”, videoGuid); Here, I first removed the $ sign, thereby turning off the string interpolation performed by C#. The {videoGuid} in the string now becomes a “property” instead, and so I pass … Read more