min-width for column in Bootstrap grid system [duplicate]

Bootstrap columns are flex items. You have to decide on one column which should shrink when the others have reached their min-width. For your example i chose the last one, “Due date” which normaly should be column-sm-7. I give it the non-fixed column size “col”, which will fill (flex-grow) the available space. In this example … Read more

CSS fluid layout: margin-top based on percentage grows when container width increases [duplicate]

In CSS, all four margin: and padding: percentages are relative to the width …even though that may seem nonsensical. That’s just the way the CSS spec is, there’s nothing you can do about it. Can you do what you want with ‘ex’ (or ’em’) instead? That’s the way I’m used to seeing “fluid” values for … Read more

Flutter responsive design: Dynamically change Column to Row if the screen is larger

Row and Column share a common parent called Flex that takes an axis direction. Simply by changing the value of direction you can change a Flex into either a row or a column. To get the screen width you can use MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).width. Your widget should look like this: @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { bool isScreenWide … Read more

Swap placeholder text based on resolution (media query)

As a pure CSS solution, we could have two <input>s – having different placeholders – which are shown in different screen sizes – Example here: input.large { display: inline-block; } input.small { display: none; } @media (max-width: 399px) { input.large { display: none; } input.small { display: inline-block; } } <input type=”email” name=”email[]” class=”required email … Read more
