ReSharper color identifiers screw up with Visual Studio 2012 dark theme

I had this same problem with vs2013 and resharper 8. I was able to fix by following these steps: Close all Visual Studio instances Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio {VS version}\Common7\IDE\Extensions\extensions.configurationchanged file Type anything there Save the file Open VS and check Fonts and Colors in Tools | Options | Environment source

How to Restore Navigate To Dialog in Visual Studio After Resharper Installation

It sounds like you will need to remove the ReSharper keybinding and add the Visual Studio one again. Try the following: From Visual Studio 2010, go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard. In the textbox below “Show commands containing:” enter “gotorecent”. This should bring up one match and you can see the Ctrl+, … Read more

Resharper’s example code for explaining “Possible multiple enumeration of IEnumerable”

GetNames() returns an IEnumerable. So if you store that result: IEnumerable foo = GetNames(); Then every time you enumerate foo, the GetNames() method is called again (not literally, I can’t find a link that properly explains the details, but see IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()). Resharper sees this, and suggests you to store the result of enumerating GetNames() in … Read more