Convert SVG to PNG in Python

Here is what I did using cairosvg: from cairosvg import svg2png svg_code = “”” <svg xmlns=”” width=”24″ height=”24″ viewBox=”0 0 24 24″ fill=”none” stroke=”#000″ stroke-width=”2″ stroke-linecap=”round” stroke-linejoin=”round”> <circle cx=”12″ cy=”12″ r=”10″/> <line x1=”12″ y1=”8″ x2=”12″ y2=”12″/> <line x1=”12″ y1=”16″ x2=”12″ y2=”16″/> </svg> “”” svg2png(bytestring=svg_code,write_to=’output.png’) And it works like a charm! See more: cairosvg document

What’s the concept of and differences between Framebuffer and Renderbuffer in OpenGL?

The Framebuffer object is not actually a buffer, but an aggregator object that contains one or more attachments, which by their turn, are the actual buffers. You can understand the Framebuffer as C structure where every member is a pointer to a buffer. Without any attachment, a Framebuffer object has very low footprint. Now each … Read more

How to render an ASP.NET MVC view as a string?

Here’s what I came up with, and it’s working for me. I added the following method(s) to my controller base class. (You can always make these static methods somewhere else that accept a controller as a parameter I suppose) MVC2 .ascx style protected string RenderViewToString<T>(string viewPath, T model) { ViewData.Model = model; using (var writer … Read more