Android BroadcastReceiver, auto run service after reboot of device
You forgot about the permissions <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED” />
Reboot machine from a C#/WPF app
Try this: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(“shutdown.exe”, “-r -t 0”); This starts Windows’ inbuilt shutdown tool, which can also shut down or logoff a remote or the local machine. Here is the list of full options from Syntax SHUTDOWN [logoff_option] [/m \\Computer] [options] logoff_option: /i Display the GUI (must be the first option) /l Log off. This cannot … Read more
NSUserDefaults losing its keys & values when phone is rebooted but not unlocked
I was having a very similar issue. Background the application. Use other memory heavy applications till my application gets jettisoned from memory. (You can observe this event if you have your device plugged and xcode running the build. Xcode will tell you “application was terminated due to memory pressure). From here if your application is … Read more
How can I get the Windows last reboot reason
This article explains in detail how to find the reason for last startup/shutdown. In my case, this was due to windows SCCM pushing updates even though I had it disabled locally. Visit the article for full details with pictures. For reference, here are the steps copy/pasted from the website: Press the Windows + R keys … Read more