How do I create a ClaimsIdentity object for Asp.NET MVC 5?

Perhaps the following link can help: var claims = new List<Claim>(); claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, “Brock”)); claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Email, “[email protected]”)); var id = new ClaimsIdentity(claims,DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie); var ctx = Request.GetOwinContext(); var authenticationManager = ctx.Authentication; authenticationManager.SignIn(id);

Choosing MongoDb/CouchDb/RavenDb – performance and scalability advice [closed]

if “20,000 concurrent writes” means inserts then I would go for CouchDB and use “_changes” api for triggers. But with 20.000 writes you would need a stable sharding aswell. Then you would better take a look at bigcouch And if “20.000” concurrent writes consist “mostly” updates I would go for MongoDB for sure, since Its … Read more

How could I make my RavenDB application execute properly when UseEmbeddedHttpServer is set to true using 2-tier architecture?

The only way I could reproduce the experience you describe is by intentionally creating a port conflict. By default, RavenDB’s web server hosts on port 8080, so if you are not changing raven’s port, then you must be hosting your WebApi application on port 8080. If this is not the case, please let me know … Read more