Laravel 5.1 Create or Update on Duplicate

As per the Definition of the Eloquent Model Method “updateOrCreate()” function updateOrCreate(array $attributes, array $values = []){} it takes two argument … one is the attributes using which you want to check in database if the record is present second is the new attribute values that you want to create or update AppInfo::updateOrCreate([‘app_id’ => $postData[‘appId’]], … Read more

Laravel Eloquent vs DB facade: When to use which? [closed]

Eloquent is Laravel’s implementation of Active Record pattern and it comes with all its strengths and weaknesses. Active Record is a good solution for processing a single entity in CRUD manner – that is, create a new entity with filled properties and then save it to a database, load a record from a database, or … Read more

Symfony 2: INNER JOIN on non related table with doctrine query builder

Today I was working on similar task and remembered that I opened this issue. I don’t know since which doctrine version it’s working but right now you can easily join the child classes in inheritance mapping. So a query like this is working without any problem: $query = $this->createQueryBuilder(‘c’) ->select(‘c’) ->leftJoin(‘MyBundleName:ChildOne’, ‘co’, ‘WITH’, ‘ = … Read more
