Why is PyTorch called PyTorch? [closed]

Here a short answer, formed as another question: Torch, SMORCH ??? PyTorch developed from Torch7. A precursor to the original Torch was a library called SVM-Torch, which was developed around 2001. The SVM stands for Support Vector Machines. SVM-Torch is a decomposition algorithm similar to SVM-Light, but adapted to regression problems, according to this paper. … Read more

CUDA initialization: CUDA unknown error – this may be due to an incorrectly set up environment

Had the same issue and in my case solution was very easy, however it wasn’t easy to find it. I had to remove and insert nvidia_uvm module. So: > sudo rmmod nvidia_uvm > sudo modprobe nvidia_uvm That’s all. Just before these command collect_env.py reported “Is CUDA available: False”. After: “Is CUDA available: True”

RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. How can I set max_split_size_mb?

The max_split_size_mb configuration value can be set as an environment variable. The exact syntax is documented, but in short: The behavior of caching allocator can be controlled via environment variable PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF. The format is PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF=<option>:<value>,<option2>:<value2>… Available options: … max_split_size_mb prevents the allocator from splitting blocks larger than this size (in MB). This can help prevent … Read more

What does log_prob do?

As your own answer mentions, log_prob returns the logarithm of the density or probability. Here I will address the remaining points in your question: How is that different from log? Distributions do not have a method log. If they did, the closest possible interpretation would indeed be something like log_prob but it would not be … Read more