Python Comet Server

Orbited seems as a nice solution. Haven’t tried it though. Update: things have changed in the last 2.5 years. We now have websockets in all major browsers, except IE (naturally) and a couple of very good abstractions over it, that provide many methods of emulating real-time communication. along with tornadio ( 0.6) and tornadio2 … Read more

Python/Erlang: What’s the difference between Twisted, Stackless, Greenlet, Eventlet, Coroutines? Are they similar to Erlang processes?

First of all, non-blocking I/O has nothing in common with green threads or coroutines, but it can affect how they’re scheduled. Now: Twisted is a classic non-blocking I/O framework — application code is written in async style using callbacks. Gevent and eventlet use the greenlet library for coroutines/greenthreads/greenlets. There is one dedicated greenlet for running … Read more

Eventlet or gevent or Stackless + Twisted, Pylons, Django and SQL Alchemy

You might want to check out: Comparing gevent to eventlet Reports from users who moved from twisted or eventlet to gevent Eventlet and gevent are not really comparable to Stackless, because Stackless ships with a standard library that is not aware of tasklets. There are implementations of socket for Stackless but there isn’t anything as … Read more

What would I use Stackless Python for?

It allows you to work with massive amounts of concurrency. Nobody sane would create one hundred thousand system threads, but you can do this using stackless. This article tests doing just that, creating one hundred thousand tasklets in both Python and Google Go (a new programming language): Surprisingly, even if Google Go is compiled … Read more

Which Actor model library/framework for python and Erlang-like? [closed]

To make actors with gevent, use a Greenlet subclass with embedded gevent.queue.Queue instance used as an inbox. To read a message from the inbox, simply get() from the queue. To send a message to an actor, put it into that actor’s queue. Read about subclassing Greenlet here. If you need help with writing the Actor … Read more

What are the drawbacks of Stackless Python? [closed]

I don’t know where that “Stackless is 10% faster” on the Wiki came from, but then again I’ve never tried to measure those performance numbers. I can’t think of what Stackless does to make a difference that big. Stackless is an amazing tool with several organizational/political problems. The first comes from history. Christian Tismer started … Read more