HTTP Error 500.30 – ASP.NET Core app failed to start

There may be a few reasons behind the error which you can only identify by debugging. You can try to debug this error using the steps below: Navigate to the root directory of the application using CMD Run the application using the command dotnet run (yourApplicationName).dll If there are any errors, they should appear in … Read more

Team Build: Publish locally using MSDeploy

Unfortunately sharing of the Publish Profile is not supported or implemented in MSBuild. The logic to publish from the profile is contained in VS itself. Fortunately the profile doesn’t contain much information so there are ways to achieve what you are looking for. Our targets do not specifically support the exact same steps as followed … Read more

Custom app_offline.htm file during publish

I know this is old but since I found a solution after looking here I thought I should provide an answer. VS 11 holds the publishing app_offline.htm file in this location: C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\app_offline.htm I have tested this and customized it and it does work if you change this file. The down side, of course, is that … Read more

Replicate VS2008 “Publish Web Site” from command line

The following command duplicates the Publish Web Site dialog with default settings. Command for Publish Web Site with Default Settings aspnet_compiler -nologo -v / -p “C:\WebSite1” -u “C:\TargetPath” Reference 1) See Community Content titled You want Publish a site but you have not Visual Studio then… at Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 > Visual Studio … Read more

AfterPublish target not working

Note: The following applies to VS2010 and publishing web-application projects with the “Web Deploy” publish method selected in the ‘Build/Publish {projectname}’ dialog. Julien Hoarau’s correct in that “Publish” is NOT the name of the msbuild target invoked in the above case; the actual target name is “MSDeployPublish”. Therefore, you have to define a “Target” element … Read more

Web deployment task failed (This access control list is not in canonical form and therefore cannot be modified)

Solution 1 I was able to solve this problem in the following way Go to IIS Right click on the website that you are publishing to and select Edit Permissions Click the Security tab. Click on Edit button A Message box will appear which tell that the Permission was not correctly ordered. Click Reorder on … Read more

After Publish event in Visual Studio

UPDATE: seems like in VS 2019 and .NET 5 you can now use Publish target. <Target Name=”Test” AfterTargets=”Publish”> <Exec Command=”blablabla” /> </Target> Here’s my old answer that also works: MS has confirmed, that when publishing to file system they don’t have any target to launch after that. “We currently do not support executing custom targets … Read more