Add project.json package references to a VSIX

I’m not sure I’m understanding your question correctly, but if you’re trying to install a Project Template via a VSIX and you want the project template to include all it’s nuget packages when you use it you could do something like this. Edit your Project Template’s xproj file and add the following lines: <ItemGroup> <None … Read more

How to use System.Windows.Forms in .NET Core class library

For VS2019 .NET Core 3.1: right-mouse click on the project and select Unload Project right-mouse click on the project and select “Edit foobar.csproj” Example of using WPF and Winforms in .NET Core 3.1: where I added the UseWPF and UseWindowsForms tags. Also I changed Microsoft.NET.Sdk to Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop to be able to use also wpf. <Project … Read more

What is project.lock.json?

Update: project.json has been replaced with .csproj as the main project file for .NET Standard projects. This question refers to the old system before the introduction of PackageReference in NuGet 4.0. You may still occasionally see project.lock.json as an artifact of the build process, but it should be ignored. Managing the NuGet packages that your … Read more