Warning of Google Play Developer policy violation: Action Required

There is some way to overcome this policy violation. First of all you need to make policy violation file. To do this here is some way: Go to this link: https://app-privacy-policy-generator.firebaseapp.com/ and then provide your app name, developer account name etc then generate your policy file. or you may use this template: https://gist.github.com/alphamu/c42f6c3fce530ca5e804e672fed70d78 and then … Read more

Difference between specification and a policy?

The main idea behind SPECIFICATION is that it’s a predicate, which often implies using logical operators with it SPECIFICATION is an adaptation of an established formalism (Eric Evans DDD, p. 274) for example we can say that the box is red, i.e. satisfies some RedSpecification. We can declare some GreenSpecification, and even a composite RedOrGreenSpecification. … Read more