What is the use of plist?
In the context of iPhone development, Property Lists are a key-value store that your application can use to save and retrieve persistent data. All iPhone applications have at least one of these by default, the Information Property List: The information property list is a file named Info.plist that is included with every iPhone application project … Read more
Bundle creator OS Type code ??? in Xcode 4
It’s used to identify your application. You don’t have to change it for an iPhone application. Take a look at these links: Information Property List Key Reference Mac Creator and File Type Codes Data Type Registration
xcode info.plist build variable ${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} seems completely undocumented?
By using strings I also dug out the following things that look like they’re related to :rfc1034identifier: :quote – adds backslashes before whitespaces (and more), for use in shell scripts :identifier – replaces whitespace, slashes (and more) with underscores :rfc1034identifier – replaces whitespace, slashes (and more) with dashes :dir – don’t know, observed replace with … Read more
Convert JSON to .plist
I’d recommend plutil on the command line. plutil -convert xml1 in.json -o out.plist It will blow up with NULL values in dictionaries and some other inconsistencies that iOS JSON deserialization will handle more gracefully, but it does appear to work pretty well.
Where can i find info.plist file?
The Info.plist file is by default located in the root folder of your application’s bundle, it’s derived from the {ProjectName}-Info.plist file in the Xcode project. By default it’s listed in a group called Supporting Files.
Xcode “Cannot parse contents of Info.plist”
This is one of the best way to detect on which line the error is occurring. Just go the directory where the plist file is present then write this command on terminal-> plutil filename.plist