Phpstorm Editor fonts on linux systems

Following the PhpStorm issue, here is what I added to phpstorm64.vmoptions (that I have installed in /usr/local/bin/PhpStorm/bin/): -Dswing.aatext=true -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp -Dsun.java2d.xrender=true I also did the trick of opening the font in FontForge: Ctrl+A (select all chars) Hints -> Clear Hints Hints -> Clear Instructions File -> Generate Font I put it in ~/fonts/ I am running … Read more

PHPStorm can’t accept any input from keyboard after Find Occurrence

Try this sudo ibus restart Answer from here… This may switch your keyboard input by the way so reselect your keyboard input in the Ubuntu toolbar (I set mine to En1) Not sure what causes this though, I’m using Guake and Compiz and have seen these tools behave a bit odd sometimes