PBEKeySpec what do the iterationCount and keyLength parameters influence?

The iteration count is the number of times that the password is hashed during the derivation of the symmetric key. The higher number, the more difficult it is to validate a password guess and then derive the correct key. It is used together with the salt which is used to prevent against attacks using rainbow … Read more

PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 Vs. PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1

Let us breakdown the word piece by piece: PBKDF2–WithHmac–SHA512 Let’s go over it part by part PBKDF2 Stands for Password-based-Key-Derivative-Function, a successor of PBKDF1 and is used to implement a pseudorandom function, such as a cryptographic hash, cipher, or HMAC to the input password or passphrase along with a salt value and repeats the process … Read more

PBKDF2 with bouncycastle in Java

In short, the reason for the difference is that PBKDF2 algorithm in modes #1 and #2 uses PKCS #5 v2 scheme 2 (PKCS5S2) for iterative key generation, but the BouncyCastle provider for “PBEWITHHMACSHA1” in mode #3 uses the PKCS #12 v1 (PKCS12) algorithm instead. These are completely different key-generation algorithms, so you get different results. … Read more