Paste multiple times

I have this in my .vimrc: xnoremap p pgvy (note: this will work only with the default register, but this mapping is easy to remember). Writing a more elaborate version would be possible. Also, you still can use P to get the old behaviour.

How to paste columns from separate files using bash?

You were on track with paste(1): $ paste -d , date1.csv date2.csv Bob,2013-06-03T17:18:07,2012-12-02T18:30:31 James,2013-06-03T17:18:07,2012-12-02T18:28:37 Kevin,2013-06-03T17:18:07,2013-06-01T12:16:05 It’s a bit unclear from your question if there are leading spaces on those lines. If you want to get rid of that in the final output, you can use cut(1) to snip it off before pasting: $ cut -c … Read more
