Clean Microsoft Word Pasted Text using JavaScript

Here is the function I wound up writing that does the job fairly well (as far as I can tell anyway). I am certainly open for improvement suggestions if anyone has any. Thanks. function cleanWordPaste( in_word_text ) { var tmp = document.createElement(“DIV”); tmp.innerHTML = in_word_text; var newString = tmp.textContent||tmp.innerText; // this next piece converts line … Read more

How to paste on click? It works in google docs

I want to be able to initiate real paste event when user clicks. I can understand this may be a security issue, because … The above is the bottom line.. Having this code JS Fiddle var Copy = document.getElementById(‘copy’), Cut = document.getElementById(‘cut’), Paste = document.getElementById(‘paste’); // Checking Clipboard API without an action from the user … Read more

How to paste CSV data to Windows Clipboard with C#

The .NET Framework places DataFormats.CommaSeparatedValue on the clipboard as Unicode text. But as mentioned at, Excel expects CSV data to be a UTF-8 memory stream (it is difficult to say whether .NET or Excel is at fault for the incompatibility). The solution I’ve come up with in my own application is to place two … Read more

jquery how to get the pasted content

The accepted answer is actually hacky and ugly, seems to be suggested quite often for the paste event on stackoverflow. I think a better way to do it is this $(‘#someInput’).bind(‘paste’, function(e) { var data = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData(‘Text’); //IE9 Equivalent ==> window.clipboardData.getData(“Text”); });

How windows handle the clipboard interface with Xming?

Your observation that the delay is proportional to the number of characters pasted should be expected, since each of those characters must be fed through the SSH terminal, a serial pipeline. Additionally, rendering those characters on your end takes some effort from Windows. I suspect that the reason that you see less delay with your … Read more

Pasting from SQL Server Management Studio to Excel concatenates columns

This is an issue with Excel. After you paste the results into Excel, go to the “data” option and choose “Text to Columns”. Then click on “delimited” and be sure that “tab” is checked on the next window. This will convert the data into columns. And, Excel remembers the settings, so it will paste correctly … Read more