Is there a solution to automatically synchronize Emacs org-mode with one of the web based todo services?

I have been using Org-mode with Remember the Milk quite nicely. here is my setup: (require org-feed) (setq org-feed-alist ‘((“Remember The Milk” “” “~/org/” “Remember The Milk” :template “* TODO %title\n %a\n ” ))) ;;* rtm feed timer (run-at-time 3600 3600 ‘org-feed-update-all) The only problem is that I get asked for authentication the first time … Read more

Tracking flexitime using Emacs (& org-mode)

Assuming that I understood your problem correctly, I hacked together a quick solution. First, you should ensure that you create only one outline entry per day, if you are checking in and out multiple times. Define the following function that’ll compute the overtime for a given day. (defun compute-overtime (duration-string) “Computes overtime duration string for … Read more
