OOo/LibreOffice UNO / Java: How to get calling spreadsheet cell of a calc function?

It looks like you want to register a listener to a spreadsheet component. To satisfy your goal, you could add the listener to the spreadsheet object it self, or to another nested object that implements an interface that supports an add.+EventListener() method. Below is a pair (broadcaster/listener) that I can think you could use in … Read more

How to prevent OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc from changing what you input (data, numbers,…)

If you want your input to be interpreted as text and preventing Calc to do fancy (and annoying) things with your input, you have to change the format before entering any value. Select the cells/columns/rows. Right-click ‘Format Cells…’ Select the tab ‘Numbers’ In the list ‘Category’, select ‘Text’ (the last option) Select the format ‘@’ … Read more