nuget spec dependencies, get latest version?

As of Nuget 2.8 you can add the following attribute to your nuget.config <configuration> <config> <add key=”dependencyversion” value=”Highest” /> </config> </configuration> When resolving your packages, the latest version of that package will be resolved. Other attributes include HighestMinor, HighestPatch and lowest (based on semantic versioning) Source:

Unable to resolve assembly reference issue without frameworkAssemblies

So if you squint and look at the project.json, it’s basically a nuspec with a little bit of goop to describe what compilation options and sources are needed to build to project. Nuspecs today have 2 sections, frameworkAssemblies for “built in” stuff and dependencies for other nuget dependencies. It has the same meaning here. When … Read more

Don’t include dependencies from packages.config file when creating NuGet package

In version 2.7 there is an option called developmentDependency that can be set into package.config to avoid including dependency. <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <packages> <package id=”jQuery” version=”1.5.2″ /> <package id=”netfx-Guard” version=”″ developmentDependency=”true” /> <package id=”microsoft-web-helpers” version=”1.15″ /> </packages>