NSWindowController/NSViewController “Presentation” setting in Storyboard

The presentation style affects “Show” segues. Possibly it affects other segues too, but I only tested a Show segue. I tested on OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite) with Xcode 7.1.1. If a window controller’s presentation style is “Multiple” (the default), then a Show segue to the window controller always loads a new instance of the window … Read more

Difference between NSWindowController Vs NSViewController

With iPhone SDK and Leopard SDK, they introduced view controllers, or NSViewController and UIViewController. As their names suggest what they do is to manage views The view controllers are for managing views. Current trend in UI design is Single Window, Multiple View. What it means is that there is one Window and inside of it, … Read more

Subclassing NSWindowController in Swift and init(windowNibName)

Instead of overriding any of the init methods you can simply override the windowNibName property and return a hardcoded string. This allows you to call the basic vanilla init method to create the window controller. class WindowController: NSWindowController { override var windowNibName: String! { return “NameOfNib” } } let windowController = WindowController() I prefer this … Read more