The specified account already exists – .NET Core RC2 tooling Preview 1

This is a bug in the .NET Core Tools for VS2015 installer. I got this error when I tried to uninstall all VS2015 related tools on Windows 10 (not reinstallation, because I want VS2017 instead). I uninstalled VS2015 before removing .NET Core Tools. While trying to remove .NET Core Tools, it tried to call WebToolsExtensionsVS14 … Read more

How to load assemblies located in a folder in .NET Core console app

Currently running against netcoreapp1.0 you don’t actually need to go to the extent of implementing your own AssemblyLoader. There is a Default that exists which works just fine. (Hence @VSG24 mentioning that the Load doesn’t do anything). using System; using System.Runtime.Loader; namespace AssemblyLoadingDynamic { public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { var … Read more

Ubuntu – Installing .net core

UPDATED see at the end. (thanks to Prasanna) .NET core now supports Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 16.10 & Linux Mint 17. Please check the official page for all the details. Today (May 2016) only Ubuntu 14.04 is supported. I successfully install it on Ubuntu 15.10 by adding deb trusty-security main to /etc/apt/sources-list Once it’s done … Read more

Build .exe file in .NET Core RC2

There are actually 2 app models in .NET Core: Portable apps: heavily inspired by “DNX console apps”, these apps don’t produce .exe files and are instead executed by the .NET Core shared runtime (whose version is defined by the Microsoft.NETCore.App package, thanks to its special type: platform attribute). The corresponding .NET Core runtime must be … Read more