Building .NET 4 projects with Nant

2010 April 15, … Update to above correct answer from Eugene, after .net 4 and vs2010 was released. I downloaded vs2010 and .net 4 runtime. The production version seems to be v4.30319 ie (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319) After reviewing, … I pasted in the text and changed all text from v4.0.20506 to v4.30319 an added text to … Read more

Best .NET build tool [duplicate]

We actually use a combination of NAnt and MSBuild with CruiseControl. NAnt is used for script flow control and calls MSBuild to compile projects. After the physical build is triggered, NAnt is used to publish the individual project build outputs to a shared location. I am not sure this is the best process. I think … Read more

Best .NET build tool [duplicate]

We actually use a combination of NAnt and MSBuild with CruiseControl. NAnt is used for script flow control and calls MSBuild to compile projects. After the physical build is triggered, NAnt is used to publish the individual project build outputs to a shared location. I am not sure this is the best process. I think … Read more

Generating HTML documentation from WSDL [closed]

I tried several alternatives TechWriter for Web Services: Really powerful, but HTML output was (see comments) multi-file. Also, comments indicate it is retired, but that is no longer the case. <oXygen/> XML Editor: It doesn’t process embedded schema. Altova XML Spy: It doesn’t process anonymous types. and ended up tweaking WSDL viewer to my needs.

Does MSbuild require Visual Studio to be installed on the build server?

We have spent a lot of time trying to get our Build Servers to work without Visual Studio. We do not use TFS for builds and therefore I am not sure the license exemption above applies to us. Also not having Visual Studio installed helps you really understand how your software is building and get … Read more

How do I resolve configuration errors with Nant 0.91?

Oddly enough, this is related to how the executables are extracted from the Nant 0.91 archive. (This made no sense to me until I actually tried it, but it does actually work…) Source : I found that the problem was Windows 7 security related in that the downloaded NAnt 0.91 zip file needed additional … Read more

How do I use Nant/Ant naming patterns?

The rules are: a single star (*) matches zero or more characters within a path name a double star (**) matches zero or more characters across directory levels a question mark (?) matches exactly one character within a path name Another way to think about it is double star (**) matches slash (/) but single … Read more
