MSysGit vs. Git for Windows

Are they not the same thing? On: The title is Git for Windows, the application is msysgit. Even in the event they are not, I expect the only differences will be in the method of compilation (i.e. compiler used and any options set) and any extraneous packaging (such as having a bash emulating shell … Read more

Git apply patch fails silently (no errors but nothing happens)

I found this while googling for the issue: git apply will fail to do anything when used within a local checkout of a git repository (other than the one for the project the patch is made for), such as if you are patching a module that is within a site that is in Git … Read more

MSysGit Bash – how to enable Ctrl+Left / Right arrows?

At your Bash prompt, press Ctrl–v Ctrl–Left-Arrow and Ctrl–v Ctrl–Right-Arrow and make note of the output. You should see something like: ^[OD and ^[OC or similar. Add the following lines to your ~/.inputrc: “\eOC”: forward-word “\eOD”: backward-word where you will substitute \e for escape (^[) and the rest of the characters you got (OD, OC … Read more

Configure Git to use Plink

I just had this problem (with a newer version of Git, 1.7.9). I used the answer from VonC, but only a couple of steps were needed: Set the environment variable GIT_SSH to the location of plink.exe Run pageant.exe and load your private key On 64 bit Windows, the default location for plink is C:\Program Files … Read more

Git error: fatal: unable to connect a socket (Invalid argument)

I had the exact same error; but the ~/.gitconfig global config file was the key. If you have a proxy with authentication you need to put in it: git config –global http.proxy http://login:password@our-proxy-server:8088 And it just works (with ‘git clone http:‘) Example of a blog detailing the same setup: GIT clone over HTTP: who knew? … Read more

msysgit error with hooks: “git error: cannot spawn .git/hooks/post-commit: No such file or directory”

Add the SHEBANG to the first line of hook, like so: #!/bin/sh echo “executing post-commit” exit 0 This had me stumped for a while as well and I saw that adding the shebang fixed it. In SVN world, while in *nix we have a “pre-commit” script and in Windows we had “pre-commit.bat” and SVN automatically … Read more