MongoDb: How to import dump data from .gz file?

Dump command: mongodump –host localhost:27017 –gzip –db Alex –out ./testSO Restore Command: mongorestore –host localhost:27017 –gzip –db Alex ./testSO/Alex Works perfectly! While using archive: Dump command: mongodump –host localhost:27017 –archive=dump.gz –gzip –db Alex Restore Command: mongorestore –host localhost:27017 –gzip –archive=dump.gz –db Alex Note:- While using archive you need to stick with the database name. Different … Read more

How to import dumped Mongodb?

The counterpart to mongodump is mongorestore (and the counterpart to mongoimport is mongoexport) — the major difference is in the format of the files created and understood by the tools (dump and restore read and write BSON files; export and import deal with text file formats: JSON, CSV, TSV. If you’ve already run mongodump, you … Read more

How to use the dumped data by mongodump?

You need to use mongorestore, not mongoimport … which is used for things like importing json, or csv, etc. From the back-up-with-mongodump docs: mongodump reads data from a MongoDB database and creates high fidelity BSON files which the mongorestore tool can use to populate a MongoDB database. mongodump and mongorestore are simple and efficient tools … Read more

How to restore the dump into your running mongodb

mongodump: To dump all the records: mongodump –db databasename To limit the amount of data included in the database dump, you can specify –db and –collection as options to mongodump. For example: mongodump –collection myCollection –db test This operation creates a dump of the collection named myCollection from the database ‘test’ in a dump/ subdirectory … Read more

Mongorestore to a different database

You need to actually point at the “database name” container directory “within” the output directory from the previous dump: mongorestore -d db2 dumpdir/db1 And usually just <path> is fine as a positional argument rather than with -dir which would only be needed when “out of position” i.e “in the middle of the arguments list”. p.s. … Read more