Should I avoid multi-table (concrete) inheritance in Django by any means?

First of all, inheritance has not a natural translation to relational database architecture (ok, I know, Oracle Type Objects and some other RDBMS support inheritance but django don’t take advantage of this functionality) At this point, notice than django generates new tables to subclasses and write lots of left joins to retrieve data from this … Read more

Class ‘App\Http\Controllers\DB’ not found and I also cannot use a new Model

The problem here are PHP namespaces. You need to learn how to use them. As your controller are in App\Http\Controllers namespace, if you refer any other class, you need to add leading backslash (or proper namespace) or add use statement at the beginning of file (before class definition). So in your case you could use: … Read more

Using multiple PostgreSQL schemas with Rails models

PostgreSQL adapter schema_search_path in database.yml does solve your problem? development: adapter: postgresql encoding: utf-8 database: solidus host: port: 5432 username: postgres password: postgres schema_search_path: “discogs,public” Or, you can to specify different connections for each schema: public_schema: adapter: postgresql encoding: utf-8 database: solidus host: port: 5432 username: postgres password: postgres schema_search_path: “public” discogs_schema: adapter: … Read more

Rails 4: organize rails models in sub path without namespacing models?

By default, Rails doesn’t add subfolders of the models directory to the autoload path. Which is why it can only find namespaced models — the namespace illuminates the subdirectory to look in. To add all subfolders of app/models to the autoload path, add the following to config/application.rb: config.autoload_paths += Dir[Rails.root.join(“app”, “models”, “{*/}”)] Or, if you … Read more getting huge, what is the best way to break it up?

It’s natural for model classes to contain methods to operate on the model. If I have a Book model, with a method book.get_noun_count(), that’s where it belongs–I don’t want to have to write “get_noun_count(book)“, unless the method actually intrinsically belongs with some other package. (It might–for example, if I have a package for accessing Amazon’s … Read more
