Getting “Not allowed to load local resource” error while trying to attach a MediaSource object as the source of a HTML5 video tag

As @dandavis has said, “run it from http: not file”. I’m posting this as an answer for the sake of organization. For starters: Running you project from http means having a http server (such as apache or a simple node http-server) and running your project via http://localhost.

MediaSource error: This SourceBuffer has been removed from the parent media source

Ultimately the issue was that I was sending h264 video down the websocket. The MediaSource API only supports MPEG-DASH and VP8 with keyframed segments currently (on Chrome 35). Additionally, once I tried VP8, I saw that I was adding some frames out of order. Adding if (buffer.updating || queue.length > 0) in websocket.onmessage was required. … Read more

What exactly is Fragmented mp4(fMP4)? How is it different from normal mp4?

A fragmented MP4 contains a series of segments which can be requested individually if your server supports byte-range requests. Boxes aka Atoms All MP4 files use an object oriented format that contains boxes aka atoms. You can view a representation of the boxes in your MP4 using an online tool such as MP4 Parser or … Read more
