Creating master-detail pages for entities, how to link them and which bean scope to choose

What is the correct usage of session scope Use it for session scoped data only, nothing else. For example, the logged-in user, its settings, the chosen language, etcetera. See also: How to choose the right bean scope? And every time I visit the page, the product list will be created from the latest entries in … Read more

Sharing data between fragments using new architecture component ViewModel

Updated on 6/12/2017, Android Official provide a simple, precise example to example how the ViewModel works on Master-Detail template, you should take a look on it first.Share data between fragments As @CommonWare, @Quang Nguyen methioned, it is not the purpose for Yigit to make the call from master to detail but be better to use … Read more

UISplitViewController in portrait on iPhone shows detail VC instead of master

Oh man, this was causing me a headache for a few days and could not figure out how to do this. The worst part was that creating a new Xcode iOS project with the master-detail template worked just fine. Fortunately, in the end, that little fact was how I found the solution. There are some … Read more