How to remove index.php from URLs?
Before you start, make sure the Apache rewrites module is enabled and then follow the steps below. Log-in to your Magento administration area then go to System > Configuration > Web. Navigate to the Unsecure and Secure tabs. Make sure the Unsecured and Secure – Base Url options have your domain name within it, and … Read more
Magento – How to add/remove links on my account navigation?
If you want to selectively remove links without having to copy/edit entire xml files, a nice solution can be found in this post in the magento forums In this solution, you override the Mage_Customer_Block_Account_Navigation block with a local version, that adds a removeLinkByName method, which you then use in your layout.xml files, like so: <?xml … Read more
What is a magento quote?
quote = cart contents in Magento. Theoretically the quote is an offer and if the user accepts it (by checking out) it converts to order. You can control the lifetime yourself and they store metadata about the store, totals information , shipping and billing relations, relations to payment method and shipping method (that is quoted … Read more
How do I get attribute set name?
Whenever you have a product object, you can access its attribute set like this: $attributeSetModel = Mage::getModel(“eav/entity_attribute_set”); $attributeSetModel->load($product->getAttributeSetId()); $attributeSetName = $attributeSetModel->getAttributeSetName(); This will give you the name of the attribute set, which you can then compare using strcmp: if(0 == strcmp($attributeSetName, ‘My Attribute Set’)) { print $product->getAttributeText(‘attribute’); }
Best practices for Magento Deployment
I recommend using git over SVN. Easier branching and merging means that all of these points will go more smoothly for you. Applying upgrades: Do this in dev. Make a branch (this is where git really shines), apply the patch files or even better, unpack a new Magento version and point it to your old … Read more
How are product attributes and attribute options stored in Magento database?
As Alan Storm says: “you do not have to know about how your db works. You have to learn how the models work “. (This is not an exact quote. I gave you the meaning). But I created own scheme to understand the DB structure. So this screen shows how it works: Hope, it helps. … Read more
Magento: Get store contact telephone
That’s a Core configuration, so it’s saved in core_config_data table, and the phone information is the field: general/store_information/phone So, all you need is to read the configuration data as $storePhone = Mage::getStoreConfig(‘general/store_information/phone’); For CMS pages insert the following variable: {{config path=”general/store_information/phone”}} You can find more info on this here, and you can always do the … Read more