Difference between load-time dynamic linking and run-time dynamic linking

load-time linking is when symbols in the library, referenced by the executable (or another library) are handled when the executable/library is loaded into memory, by the operating system. Run-time linking is when you use an API provided by the OS or through a library to load a DLL or DSO when you need it, and … Read more

webpack sass-loader not generating a css file

You are using the style-loader, which, by default, embeds your CSS in Javascript and injects it at runtime. If you want real CSS files instead of CSS embedded in your Javascript, you should use the ExtractTextPlugin. A basic config would be: Add var ExtractTextPlugin = require(‘extract-text-webpack-plugin’); to the top of your Webpack config file. Add … Read more

Linking : .a, .lib and .def files

Static libraries on Linux have the .a file extension. Static libraries on Windows have the .lib file extension. Dynamic libraries on Windows have the .dll extension; in order to link against a DLL, an import library is required. The import library is a static library. It contains the code required to load the DLL. Now … Read more

ngx-translate .instant returns key instead of value

You are using the TranslateHttpLoader which makes an HTTP request when it’s asked for translations – translate.use(‘en’). If you call the instant(messageKey) method before the HTTP call returns, ngx-translate will return the key, since it has no translations yet. So you should use the get(messageKey) method to get the translation – it’s asynchronous and returns … Read more

Can ES6’s module loader also load assets (html/css/…)

If you use SystemJS then you can load assets by using plugins: // Will generate a <link> element for my/file.css System.import(‘my/file.css!’) .then(() => console.log(‘CSS file loaded’)); Alternatively, you can use an import statement. This will make sure that the CSS file is loaded before the your script executes: import ‘my/file.css!’; Finally, you can retrieve the … Read more

how to set up an inline svg with webpack

Here is a simple non-react solution. Install Svg inline loader In webpack.config.js add { test: /\.svg$/, loader: ‘svg-inline-loader’ } In your js file import svg image and add it to a DOM element like so import Svg from ‘./svg.svg’; function component() { const element = document.createElement(‘div’); element.innerHTML = Svg; return element; } document.body.appendChild(component());

VA (Virtual Address) & RVA (Relative Virtual Address)

Most Windows process (*.exe) are loaded in (user mode) memory address 0x00400000, that’s what we call the “virtual address” (VA) – because they are visible only to each process, and will be converted to different physical addresses by the OS (visible by the kernel / driver layer). For example, a possible physical memory address (visible … Read more