What is the difference between ArrayAdapter , BaseAdapter and ListAdapter

BaseAdapter as the name suggests, is a base class for all the adapters. When you are extending the Base adapter class you need to implement all the methods like getCount(), getId() etc. ArrayAdapter is a class which can work with array of data. You need to override only getview() method. ListAdapter is a an interface … Read more

Recyclerview not call any Adapter method :onCreateViewHolder,onBindViewHolder,

Other than @SanatiSharif’s and @sohrab’s answer, you have to follow below mandatory step. Make sure you call setLayoutManager, something like below. recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getContext())); before setting adapter into recyclerView, otherwise it is not going to work. You can customize it if you need. this link will give you some idea of how LayoutManager works.