error: curl: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by curl)

I also had a problem with no version information available in installing CMAKE. I type cmake, the output is: cmake: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by cmake) Segmentation fault (core dumped)` I solved this by doing the following: First, I locate the path of locate the result is: /home/chenjian/software/curl-7.20.0/lib/.libs/ /home/chenjian/software/curl-7.20.0/lib/.libs/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ … Read more

NSS: client certificate not found (nickname not specified)?

Try prefixing the certificate filename with “./”, or using the full path. From the curl manpage: If curl is built against the NSS SSL library then this option [–cert] can tell curl the nickname of the certificate to use within the NSS database defined by the environment variable SSL_DIR (or by default /etc/pki/nssdb). If the … Read more

How to strip all non alphanumeric characters from a string in c++?

Write a function that takes a char and returns true if you want to remove that character or false if you want to keep it: bool my_predicate(char c); Then use the std::remove_if algorithm to remove the unwanted characters from the string: std::string s = “my data”; s.erase(std::remove_if(s.begin(), s.end(), my_predicate), s.end()); Depending on your requirements, you … Read more

How to solve ‘libcurl’ not found with Rails on Windows

Answer that worked for me (W10/Ruby2.6.0) was: Download cURL from the following URL: (I chose 64bit because that’s the system I’m using) Go into the archive and browse to /bin Locate libcurl_x64.dll (it may be just libcurl.dll) Extract to your local drive Rename it to libcurl.dll if it has the _x64 suffix Cut + … Read more

Build working libcurl with WinSSL, NTLM, HTTP2, SSH2 and IPv6 support

I believe the LibCurl here satisfies all that: Using this file: #include <curl/curl.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { curl_version_info_data *o = curl_version_info(CURLVERSION_NOW); printf(“SSL: %s\n”, o->ssl_version); printf(“NTLM: %d\n”, o->features & CURL_VERSION_NTLM); printf(“HTTP/2: %d\n”, o->features & CURL_VERSION_HTTP2); printf(“SSH2: %s\n”, o->libssh_version); printf(“IPv6: %d\n”, o->features & CURL_VERSION_IPV6); } Build: cc https.c ` ‘-Icurl-7.70.0-win64-mingw\include’ ` ‘-Lcurl-7.70.0-win64-mingw\lib’ ` -lcrypt32 ` … Read more