Perplexed by how this code is processed by Haskell’s Layout facility
This is a known and documented deviation of GHC from the Haskell standard in default or Haskell 98 mode. GHC has a language extension called NondecreasingIndentation that can be used to trigger this behaviour. If enabled, a do keyword introduces a new block even if the next token starts at the same indentation level as … Read more
Width: 100% Without Scrollbars
That’s because you’re using position: absolute. Instead of using: width: 100%; margin-right: 10px; margin-left: 10px you should use: left: 10px; right: 10px That will make your element take the full width available, with 10px space on the left and right.
Can I add a component to a specific grid cell when a GridLayout is used?
No, you can’t add components at a specific cell. What you can do is add empty JPanel objects and hold on to references to them in an array, then add components to them in any order you want. Something like: int i = 3; int j = 4; JPanel[][] panelHolder = new JPanel[i][j]; setLayout(new GridLayout(i,j)); … Read more
How will I align the label of a text area to top?
With the following CSS: textarea { vertical-align: top; } jsFiddle Demo vertical-align on MDN: The vertical-align CSS property specifies the vertical alignment of an inline or table-cell element. What is Vertical Align? on CSS-Tricks