What is the difference between helm syntax {{ something }} and {{- something }}?

The Helm template syntax is based on the Go programming language’s text/template package. The braces {{ and }} are the opening and closing brackets to enter and exit template logic. The Helm documentation at https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/control_structures/ discusses why this syntax is needed in an example. YAML ascribes meaning to whitespace, so managing the whitespace becomes pretty … Read more

helm error when updating: UPGRADE FAILED: The order in patch list

I’ve found that the reason of this problem was that I had some envVars duplicated. In my deployment I had: … spec: template: spec: container: env: – name: ENV_VAR_NAME value: “test” – name: ENV_VAR_NAME value: “test” … After removing the duplicated variable: … spec: template: spec: container: env: – name: ENV_VAR_NAME value: “test” … The … Read more

helm init has been removed in version 3

According to the official documentation, the helm init command has been removed without replacement: The helm init command has been removed. It performed two primary functions. First, it installed Tiller. This is no longer needed. Second, it setup directories and repositories where Helm configuration lived. This is now automated. If the directory is not present … Read more