Really confused with Jupyter Notebook, Lab, extensions, and ipywidgets

In general, stackoverflow question should try to only ask one question at the time. That being said, I’ll try to answer the questions as best I can: ipywidgets is the main way, yes. It is what people mean when they talk about notebook widgets. There is an issue tracking general JS in jupyterlab on the … Read more

How to move Jupyter notebook cells up/down using keyboard shortcut?

The following solution works on JupyterLab (I currently have version 2.2.6): You must first open the Keyboard Shortcuts configuration file. In JupyterLab you can find it in Settings -> Advanced Settings Editor then selecting the “Keyboard Shortcuts” option in the left panel and then editing the “User Preferences” tab at the right. Expanding on sherdim’s … Read more

Could not determine jupyterlab build status without nodejs

I ran into a similar issue this morning and ended up here. The diagnostic message appears to be harmless: [W 07:35:51.998 LabApp] Could not determine jupyterlab build status without nodejs However, the way I resolved it for my configuration (Windows 10, Anaconda distribution of Python 3.7) was to download NodeJS from the source. Choose the … Read more

Can I use github-copilot strait on jupyter-lab/notebook?

Not an answer, but too long for a comment. There does not seem to be as of mid 2022 an implementation. Copilot uses an underlying tool, OpenAI Codex, which has a model called codex-davinci-002, which can do code completion. (it’s worth noting that OpenAI also have a model confusingly called text-davinci-002 which converts natural … Read more

Run parts of a ipython notebook in a loop / with different input parameter

What I usually do in these scenarios is wrap the important cells as functions (you don’t have to merge any of them) and have a certain master cell that iterates over a list of parameters and calls these functions. E.g. this is what a “master cell” looks like in one of my notebooks: import itertools … Read more

Completion in IPython (jupyter) does now work (unexpected keyword argument ‘column’)

The solution from @techno1731 is sub-optimal because it just disables jedi rather than fixing the underlying issue. The latest jedi (0.18) release is incompatible with IPython 7.19 see this discussion. IPython: 7.20 (released Feb 1st 2020) and 8.0 (not yet released) have a compatibility fix. The correct workaround at this time is to upgrade IPython: … Read more

Jupyter lab shortcuts

This question is answered on GitHub here. You can also look here for the correct command names to enter in your keyboard shortcut user overrides because they are not always the same as what is shown in the Commands side-bar. The following are some that I use: { “shortcuts”: [ { “command”: “notebook:hide-cell-outputs”, “keys”: [ … Read more