jQuery UI Dialog validation without using tags

In case someone else comes across this, the jQuery-UI dialog does not append to the form, it appends just before </body>, so the elements to validate are outside the <form></form> section: To resolve this, just direct the dialog to move itself inside the form when you create it, like this: $(“#mydiv”).dialog(“open”).parent().appendTo(jQuery(“form:first”));

client-side validation in custom validation attribute – asp.net mvc 4

Take a look at this: http://thewayofcode.wordpress.com/tag/custom-unobtrusive-validation/ Using this tutorial I got my custom validation code running with no problem. The only difference I can spot in your code is the way you created the $.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.add function. The parameters are a little bit different but, maybe, the problem is just that you have not defined the … Read more

MVC : How to enable client side validation on hidden fields

I ran into this same problem. A hidden field on a page was storing a user ID, which was selected from an autocomplete text box. This ID had validation to ensure that a non-zero id was posted back. We wanted to include this validation in the client side. By default jQuery validate ignores hidden fields, … Read more

How can I customize the unobtrusive validation in ASP.NET MVC 3 to match my style?

In my code instead of using $.validator.setDefaults I access the form validator using $(“#form_selector”).data(‘validator’) and then change the settings. $(function () { var validator = $(“#form_selector”).data(‘validator’); validator.settings.errorPlacement = function(error,element) { alert(‘errorPlacement’); }; }); See if it works for you.