Binding JBoss AS 7 to all interfaces

Edit standalone/configuration/standalone.xml and insert the tag any-address instead of inet-address bound to – Example: <interfaces> <interface name=”management”> <inet-address value=”″/> </interface> <interface name=”public”> <any-address/> </interface> </interfaces> In the public interface, I’ve changed the original inet-address with any-address. After restarting, you’ll be able to browse JBoss port 8080 over the network.

Hibernate generates negative id values when using a sequence

The new behaviour is the followings: AllocationSize is a range of primary key values reserved for Hibernate. And the select seq.nextval from dual will be done only after hibernate consumed this range of primary keys. So you must declare the same value on both allocationSize (Hibernate) and sequence increment by (DB) When explicitly set allocationSize=500, … Read more

JBoss AS 7: How to clean up tmp?

As you know JBoss is a purely filesystem based installation. To install you simply unzip a file and thats it. Once you install a certain folder structure is created by default and as you run the JBoss instance for the first time, it creates additional folders for runtime operation. For comparison here is the structure … Read more

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration (JBossas 7 EAR archetype)

This is a “feature” of the M2E plugin that had been introduced a while ago. It’s not directly related to the JBoss EAR plugin but also happens with most other Maven plugins. If you have a plugin execution defined in your pom (like the execution of maven-ear-plugin:generate-application-xml), you also need to add additional config information … Read more