Behavior Driven Development for java – what framework to use? [closed]

Behavior Driven Development is just a technique that can be used without any tools. You can just write tests in BDD style – e.g. start test methods with should and introduce some separate feature with this method. When and then sections can be replaced with just comments, e.g. @Test public void should_do_something() { // given … Read more

how to comment a story line in JBehave Story

You want to temporarily disable a step in your scenario? Comment the line using the prefix “!– “, such as Given user is on Login page !– When user types login details with xxx as user xxx as passwd and submits Then dashboard is shown The space right after the !– is mandatory. Thanks @flaz14 … Read more

What are the differences between JBehave and Cucumber?

JBehave and Cucumber are completely different frameworks, although meant for the same purpose: acceptance tests. They are based around stories (JBehave) or features (Cucumber). A feature is a collection of stories, expressed from the point of view of a specific project stakeholder. In your tests, you are referring to the stories, typically via regular expression … Read more