Terminate istio sidecar istio-proxy for a kubernetes job / cronjob

– command: – /bin/sh – -c – | until curl -fsI http://localhost:15021/healthz/ready; do echo \”Waiting for Sidecar…\”; sleep 3; done; echo \”Sidecar available. Running the command…\”; <YOUR_COMMAND>; x=$(echo $?); curl -fsI -X POST http://localhost:15020/quitquitquit && exit $x Update: sleep loop can be omitted if holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts is set to true (globally or as an annotation) starting … Read more

How does Istio compare to Traefik?

It’s something of an apples-to-oranges comparison. Edge proxies like Traefik or Nginx are best compared to Envoy – the proxy that Istio leverages. An Envoy proxy is installed automatically by Istio adjacent to every pod. Istio provides several higher level capabilities beyond Envoy, including routing, ACLing and service discovery and access policy across a set … Read more

What is the difference between Istio VirtualService and Kubernetes Service?

Kubernetes service Kubernetes service manage a pod’s networking. It specifies whether your pods are exposed internally (ClusterIP), externally (NodePort or LoadBalancer) or as a CNAME of other DNS entries (externalName). As an example this foo-service will expose the pods with label app: foo. Any requests sent to the node on port 30007 will be forwarded … Read more