Really confused with Jupyter Notebook, Lab, extensions, and ipywidgets

In general, stackoverflow question should try to only ask one question at the time. That being said, I’ll try to answer the questions as best I can: ipywidgets is the main way, yes. It is what people mean when they talk about notebook widgets. There is an issue tracking general JS in jupyterlab on the … Read more

ImportError: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets although it is installed

I tried everything you mentioned in a new environment using conda and I had another issue related to the version of ipywidgets (a bug found in Github with comments saying that got solved after using last version). I solved the problem I had installing last version of ipywidgets. Here is my process: Create a new … Read more

Ipywidgets with Google Colaboratory

Update 2: core ipywidgets now work in Colab, as do many custom widgets! In particular, the base, controls, FileUpload, Image, and output widgets all work in colab. See for more details. (Tweaked original answer): ipywidgets don’t Just Work with Colab: we have a different security model, wherein each output is in its own iframe … Read more

IPython Notebook ipywidgets does not show

With the new version of ipywidgets, I ran into this problem, but then I found on their github readme that you now need to follow pip install ipywidgets with jupyter nbextension enable –py widgetsnbextension Note: To those using virtual environments (including conda environments) the recommended way to activate the extension is to run jupyter nbextension … Read more

How to get ipywidgets working in Jupyter Lab?

JupyterLab now prefers a model where arbitrary javascript is no longer allowed to be embedded in a cell’s output, which is how many interactive Jupyter Notebook modules used to work. They now ask that modules with interactivity create a JupyterLab extension. ipywidgets provides @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager extension which satisfies this requirement. When using ipywidgets 7.6 or newer … Read more