How to Change App name in iTunes Connect

After some confusion I managed to change my app name (while it was in status ‘Prepare for Upload’ – not sure if this works for other statuses): Log in to Itunes Connect Click “Manage applications” Click on your app Click “View details” under your current version Click on Edit next to “Metadata and Uploads” And … Read more

Profile bug (Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process XXX.)

The problem is because you are trying to debug your application using distribution provisioning profile. If you want to run your application in debug mode, you have to sign it with development provisioning profile and certificate (both in build settings and in target). If you are trying to create a distributable, sign it with distribution … Read more

Xcode Objective-C | iOS: delay function / NSTimer help?

sleep doesn’t work because the display can only be updated after your main thread returns to the system. NSTimer is the way to go. To do this, you need to implement methods which will be called by the timer to change the buttons. An example: – (void)button_circleBusy:(id)sender { firstButton.enabled = NO; // 60 milliseconds is … Read more

Detecting the iPhone’s Ring / Silent / Mute switch using AVAudioPlayer not working?

Well I found the answer thanks to someone from the Developer Forums, and you guys aren’t gonna like it! I’ve had a response from Apple on this. They’ve said they don’t and never have provided a method for detecting hardware mute switch and don’t intend to do so. 🙁 IMO there is definitely value in … Read more

iOS 4: wireless app distribution for in-house applications [closed]

If you don’t have an entreprise account. You won’t have the unlimited or very large pool of devices you can add to your account distribution profiles. BUT, even with normal accounts you can definitely create an Ad Hoc distribution profile (limited to 100 devices) and use the Xcode 3.2.3 “Build and archive” + “Share app … Read more

iPhone iOS 4 addTimeInterval deprecated

The method has been renamed to -dateByAddingTimeInterval:. localNotif.fireDate = [now dateByAddingTimeInterval:timeInterval]; In Swift 2.2: localNotif.fireDate = now.dateByAddingTimeInterval(timeInterval) In Swift 3: localNotif.fireDate = now.addingTimeInterval(timeInterval) // or simply localNotif.fireDate = now + timeInterval

Get the domain part of an URL string?

Objective-C NSString* urlString = @””; NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString]; NSString* domain = [url host]; Swift 2 var urlString = “” var url = NSURL(string: urlString) var domain = url?.host Swift 3+ var urlString = “” var url = URL(string: urlString) var domain = url?.host