iOS Associated Domains (Universal Links) with Wildcards not working

I added my findings to this thread: In short, even in iOS 10, it appears that the wildcard setup requires that the apple-app-site-association file be served by the wildcard’s root. For instance, if you want to use *, then the apple-app-site-association needs to be hosted at both, e.g., and, else it won’t … Read more

Requests to /.well-known/apple-app-site-association

i believe iOS 9.3 introduced slightly different lookup logic around the apple-app-site-association file and the app handoff feature. “Handoff first searches for the file in the .well-known subdirectory (for example,, falling back to the top-level domain if you don’t use the .well-known subdirectory.” see:

iOS Universal Links are not opening in-app

There are a few possible issues. Try pasting your domain into this link validator and make sure there are no issues: (credit to ShortStuffSushi — see repo) iOS logs an error message in the system logs if you don’t have TLS set up properly on the domain specified in your entitlements. It’s buried in … Read more